It’s that time of the trimester again, when students from both sides of the creek are facing four assignments, all conveniently due on the same day in the same week.
Our team on the ground interviewed some students during this difficult time, and one stood out. It’s Law/Criminology student Daniel Benson’s (18) second trimester. It was reported that Daniel was pretty, pretty confident that he wasn’t going to make the same mistakes he made in trimester 1.
This all changed, however, when Daniel reached the end of the assignment instructions and rubric…“referencing must be AGLC-compliant.” At this point, Daniel thought to himself, “nah it’s alright – I’ll reference as I go to save myself some time at the end.”
Half-way through Part A of the assignment, frustrated with how long the referencing was taking, Daniel changed his strategy. “You know what, never mind – I’ll reference at the end so I don’t lose my train of thought.”
And so on he went with his assignment, the pile of incomplete references slowly building up in the background.
“You know those trimester 1 mistakes I was talking about?” asked Daniel in his follow-up interview. “Yeah – I made them again.” According to our reporter, Daniel lamented the difficulty of a task that appears so simple. “All I had to do was look up the rule I mentioned, and add the citation. It’s a mystery to me why it took so long.”
This is a lesson Daniel will carry into his next trimester. However, social media polling suggests, this is a lesson that will leave Daniel’s memory once he’s submitted this assignment.