Student contribution: Patricia Clarke
Damages Incurred is delighted to report that second year Law/Arts student, Patrick Moors, has today been properly inducted into the most longstanding tradition of law students: doing no work during a library trip.

‘It’s like an art,” he explained to our reporter, recounting his day for her.
“I rocked up at 10, and by the time I got set up I was exhausted. I got coffee with some mates and that took it to 11:30. Then obviously it was time for lunch.”
Our correspondent questioned, understandably curious, if any study had occurred afterwards.
“I mean, after lunch it was like 2:30, so I’d already been there like 6 hours or something. The coffee wore off. And I’m just not productive that late in the day.”
“But,” he hastened to add, “I did organise a study calendar before I left. It’s colour-coordinated too.” Our reporter dutifully admired the calendar.
“I’m really happy with today, honestly.”
Damages Incurred would like to note that Patrick is a proud Arts/Law student and as such, we cannot justify nor verify his accounting.