Student Contributor: Selena Zhang

Social media platforms have come and go such as Myspace and, just to name a few. However, coming out of a global pandemic, the world has witnessed unprecedented growth in the social media giant, TikTok, which continues to be a platform used by many - especially students.
Two students at Deakin Law School have recently taken to social media to announce that they will be withdrawing from their tertiary studies to pursue social media influencing as their full time careers.
Both have amassed a following over 2 million followers, documenting their journeys to how they have been able to get to where they are today.
“I never thought in a million years that I’d be able to call social media my full-time career, but I’m so grateful to all of my followers and love very minute of it!,” one said. “I’ve been able to take on so many brand deals, and my parents have been very supportive of my journey,” she continues, in her most recent post on the platform.
Commentators, however, share conflicting views.
Donna Tramp, Senior Educator at one of Boston’s largest universities, has reported that “educational institutions should be expecting an increase in the number of students leaving tertiary studies to pursue more unconventional career paths.”
However, these ‘unconventional career paths’ have attracted overwhelmingly positive feedback, with many young girls sharing that they too, are hoping to one day make it on the social media platform.