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Law Student Shunned by Judge in Mock Trial Assessment for Using Versus Instead of Against

Student Contribution: Madeleine French

A third-year law student has been spotted rushing out of the Moot Court on Floor 7 of LC, embarrassed and shocked. John, a usually outspoken and overly-confident character, entered the room with a sense of professionalism and a healthy arrogance that was sure to bring about a HD in his Mock Trial assessment. He had done the work, memorised the facts, studied the cases, practised his objections, and most importantly looked the part.

The judge nodded her head in approval as John took his seat after presenting an incredible examination of the first witness that left everyone impressed and in awe. As Prosecution he had done everything necessary to lay out the facts and draw out the unknowns, ultimately establishing a strong case to completely obliterate the defence. He was, however, completely unaware of the impending mistake that would bring about his downfall. 

Only minutes into the cross examination, John stands and bellows – “Objection!”. With a satisfied expression, the Judge looks over to him beckoning for an explanation. With confidence John continues “Your honour, this line of questioning is irrelevant. As held in Smith versus The Queen”…

John was last seen signing up for DLSS Senior Moot and Witness Examination competitions, muttering to himself “I should’ve done this sooner”.

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