Student contribution: Sophie Lean
Sebastian Meyer, a final year law student at the Burwood campus, recently reported finding himself lost on campus after a year of studying at home.
Our DLSS on-ground reporter discovered him using the Deakin Scout map under the Deakin Cube to find his way around campus; we had assumed he was a first year.
“I’m just trying to find the new Law Building, I don’t even know where I am. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.”
Although we are now in week nine of an almost-normal trimester, this is the first time Sebastian has ventured on campus this year. "I'm only here because I don't want a repeat of last week. I couldn't find last week's seminar recording, so I'm taking no chances this week," he said whilst ferociously refreshing the Deakin Scout map.

This...this is definitely not how I remember Burwood
Recent studies have found that penultimate law students are 40% more likely to become lost on campus post COVID-19 than their first year counterparts, and final year students are a staggering 65% more likely.
As Sebastian was trying to get through a 'packed' Student Central to cross the bridge, he expressed some annoyance. "Why would they even put building LC across the bridge? It’s so stupid. The only people who use the bridge are first year Resis anyway.”
When we relayed the statistics about first year students to Sebastian, we received no reply. He was too busy trying to download the most recent PDF map of the Burwood campus.